terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011

15 Steps To Be A Succefully Guitarist

1 - Dont you ever look at the guitar's arm when youre playing, always play randomly and noisefully the chords that appear in your mind and appear to be right for the song in that moment, always improvise, dont ever learn how to play a song exactly how it was made.

2 - Compose your own stuff.

3 - You wont need writings, thats bullshit.

4 - You wont need scales, thats also bullshit

5 - Always perform your songs in different way, when live.

6 - Try to parachute at least once in your life, they say that people that falls off airplaines in freefall seem to be better players.

7 - When you go into a stage, always remeber to be drunk or on hallucinogens, no matter what.

8 - At the some part of the show pull the strings noiselly at it end of the guitar arm, like you were playing an nazi alarm. (Make sure distorcions are high when you do that).

9 - If you follow all these steps and even so, the crowd dont like what youre playing, smash the guitar and the drums set like you dont care.

10 - If the crowd enjoy what your playing, make sure to play louder, and noisefuller, then smash the guitar like you dont care.

11 - Always have some saved cash to buy another guitar, if thats the case.

12 - Theres a legend that if you live under a bridge at some period of your life, the press will treat you necelly.

13 - Always act like a depressive, psychosocial maniac.

14 - Buy all the rights of your songs.

15 - Drink in public, go to partys, despise people younger then you.

(If you and your band dont have money to buy instruments and/or pay for a recording studios, and rare rehearsels then you have a problem, try to practice and play with the instruments of the people that are afraid of you, until you get a record label, if you cant get a band, keep following these steps, you will find one.)

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