segunda-feira, 12 de julho de 2010

The vision of the daughter.


.Six Years...Six Years.

Her parents
She just didnt want to talk about them
they did the tests
you know............
for abuse
but it all got denied!
It seemed like they always treated her
like they just didnt want it around
but sometimes
her mother
went crazy and tried to steal the guns off of dead.......
but he just wont gave it to her.....
and she just couldnt understand that so
all most of the time there was peace
tad with amost all the guns
the gas station owner used to smiles around the fire lights
he just couldnt stand the beating
he was never that old
but he was skinny and he got trapped all part of the time cause he was always trying to snitch dad
it bored even mom
so dad killed him
but that was a long time ago ....
like six years?

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